Saturday 8 December 2007

South China - Chengyang Part 2

Well, after announcing I was back in business my computer decided otherwise! It went on the complete go slow with the occasional blue screen of death as well, luckily I'd managed to back up all my important files onto my new hard drive a few days before. After trying a few attempts to fix the problem, which didn't get me anywhere, the only thing left to do was completely format my hard drive and reinstall windows. This was a lot easier than I expected, although not a quick process!

I finally finished sorting out the wedding photos I was working on and should be receiving the finished album from My Publisher any day now. Besides doing some photographic work for a few peoples Christmas presents this has left me some free time to try and sort some more of my travelling photos out, so here's another instalment of my visit to Chengyang.

I think these were all taken on same day (including the ones of the cultural show in a previous post), as we only spent two nights and only one day in the village, I'm quite surprised at how many photos I took! But in a place like that its pretty hard to put the camera down!

This is my first attempt at merging two photos together in Photoshop and I was very surprised how easy it was. It's two portrait frames of Ilford FP4 with my canon 50mm prime taken from the view point overlooking Chengyang, the resulting file is a meaty 30MP.

It was great to see lots Chinese artists in the village and not too many western tourists.

You can see the Wu's house where we stayed behind the bridge in this shot, which had a fairly impressive view of one of the best bridges in the area. Unfortunately it won't be there any more and has probably been turned into a tour bus car park.

This is one of villages meeting houses which are at the centre of each village.

This is inside one of the meeting hoses where the older generation (and a few of younger generation too) hangout and play cards etc. This is probably one of my all time favourite shots which shows one of the guys carving in the names of people who've made a contribution to the upkeep of the village meeting house.

This is another all time favourite too, with Harry playing with the kids and there interest in his digital camera.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.